
Virtual Tutoring Options Available!

Top Class Tutoring Services

Academic Tutoring
Academic Tutoring is one on one or small group tutoring in math or reading comprehension for elementary or middle school students. After a detailed assessment we develop a plan for each student.

Homeschool Coaching
Homeschool Coaching provides support and academic tutoring for students that are in homeschool.

Reading Diagnostic Testing
The diagnostic online reading assessment is a comprehensive, valid and reliable web-based assessment. It adapts to students as they respond to each question in the online program, getting harder or easier to complete the diagnosis.

Math Diagnostic Testing
The math diagnostic thoroughly assesses a student's complete mathematical understanding, to provide a comprehensive picture of his or her strengths and weaknesses.

Happy girl


  • Solo
  • $ 45 / hour
  • Private One on One Tutoring
  • Group (Family)*
  • $ 30 / hour per student
  • 2 to 3 students

* If the group is less than two people you will be charged at the regular hourly rate.

Payment Methods

We accept major credit cards, debit cards, money orders, Google Pay and Apple Pay. No cash or checks accepted.

American Express Discover MasterCard Visa

Please review our policies regarding payment and cancellations.


Prepaid packages are available. Purchase 4 or more hours and receive a 10% discount.

We offer a referral incentive program. We will provide a free hour of tutoring for any client you refer to us when the client has paid for their fifth hour of tutoring.